To sell a property

The certificate of location

You want to sell or buy a house, a condo, a commercial or industrial building?

You will certainly need a certificate of location to inform you of the current status of the property and its compliance with the various laws and regulations.

This certificate is usually required during a real estate transaction and may be required by a creditor, notary, lawyer, real estate broker, appraiser or municipality. It can be requested just as much by the seller as by the buyer.

The certificate of location corresponds to the exact image of the property on a specific date including the location of the buildings in their current state, the mechanical installations, the regulations in force, easements, as well as the signs of occupancy such as hedges and fences.

The certificate of location is a document containing a report accompanied by a plan in which the undersigned land surveyor expresses his opinion on the current situation and condition of the property described above with respect to title deeds, cadastre, occupancy and the laws and regulations that may affect it, and cannot be used to physically establish property boundaries and does not include survey markers (see “Knowing the boundaries of a property”).

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